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1:400 Scale
1:500 Scale

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Terms and Conditions

The description and price of the goods you order will be as shown on the Supplier's website at the time you place your order.

Whilst every effort is made to describe the goods fairly and accurately, the Supplier will not be held responsible for any errors or omissions on the website. The Supplier reserves the right to improve, modify or withdraw products without prior notification to the Buyer. It should be noted that there may be some variation in colour and/or the materials used in the production of these products.

Postage and packing is charged according to weight, in accordance with the following tables:

Within UK
Within Europe
Outside Europe
0 - 100g
101 - 250g
251 - 500g
501 - 750g
751 - 1000g
1001g and above

Payment for the goods and delivery charges can be made by the methods shown on the Supplier's website at the time you place your order. Payment shall be due before the goods are despatched.
All payments will be made in Pounds Sterling (GBP). Payments made through credit or debit cards issued in other currencies will be converted to Pounds Sterling by the card issuer, using the rate of conversion applied by the issuer at the time. The card issuer may make a charge for converting between currencies.
There is a minimum order value of 4.50 GBP for purchases made via the website (not including postage and packing charges).
Orders may be placed by post and payments made by cheque or postal order. Cheques and postal orders must be in Pounds Sterling (GBP) and cheques must be drawn on a UK bank. Cheques and postal orders must be made payable to DM Aviation Limited and sent to: DM Aviation Limited, Southbrooke House, Home Farm Lane, Rimpton, YEOVIL, BA22 8AS, United Kingdom. (No callers please.)

The Supplier will send confirmation of the receipt of an order by e-mail, to the e-mail address supplied at the time of ordering. The Supplier reserves the right not to supply goods if an invalid e-mail address has been supplied.
Confirmation will be sent within seven days of receipt of the order.

The Supplier reserves the right not to fulfill any order, or part of an order, for whatever reason. In this case the Supplier will inform you as soon as possible and refund or re-credit you for any sum that has been paid by you or debited from your credit or debit card.

The goods you order will be delivered to the address you give when you place your order.
A period of twenty-one days should be allowed for delivery from the date of order. The Supplier will endeavour to despatch the goods to you within seven working days of the date of order.
If delivery cannot be made to your address for reasons under the Supplier's control, the Supplier will inform you as soon as possible and refund or re-credit you for any sum that has been paid by you or debited from your credit or debit card.
If the goods are damaged on delivery, you should notify us by letter or e-mail within 14 days of delivery. The Supplier will attempt to recover the cost of the damaged goods from the delivery service and replace the damaged goods, or issue a refund, based on the recovered value of the goods. Damaged goods must be returned to the Supplier within 14 days of delivery.
If the goods are found to be faulty on delivery, you should notify us by letter or e-mail within 14 days of delivery. The Supplier will replace the faulty goods, or issue a full refund. Faulty goods must be returned to the Supplier, at the Supplier's expense, within 14 days of delivery.
For reasons of safety, knives and other sharp tools will not be sold to persons under 18 years of age and will only be delivered to the address registered for the cardholder with the credit or debit card issuer.

You have the right to cancel the order at any time up to the end of 14 days after you receive the goods.
If you wish to cancel the order, you must give notice by letter or e-mail.
The letter or e-mail may use our standard cancellation form.
Optionally, you may give a reason for cancelling the order, but this is not required.
If you cancel the order after delivery, you must return the goods with the original seal intact. You will be responsible for returning the goods to the Supplier at your own cost. You must take reasonable care to ensure that the goods are not damaged in the meantime or in transit.
Once you have notified the Supplier that you are cancelling the order, and returned the goods, the Supplier will refund or re-credit you within 14 days for any sum that has been paid by you or debited from your credit or debit card for the goods.
If you do not return the goods as required, the Supplier may charge you a sum not exceeding the direct costs of recovering the goods.

These terms and conditions, and the supply of the goods, will be subject to English law and the English courts will have jurisdiction in respect of any dispute.

The following is the text of the end user licence agreement which the user must accept prior to installing and using any software product.

This licence agreement constitutes a legal agreement between the purchaser of this software and DM Aviation Limited. The agreement covers all of the software, its data, and accompanying documentation, and all media by which it may be delivered.
By installing or using this software you agree to be bound by all of the terms and conditions of this licence agreement.
Your acceptance of this licence agreement entitles you to use the software in the manner described below.
This software is protected by copyright law and international copyright treaty. You may install one copy of the software on your computer's hard disk. In addition, you may either make one copy of the software solely for backup purposes, or you may copy the software to a single hard disk, provided you keep that copy solely for backup purposes.
You may transfer the software and documentation to another party on a permanent basis provided that you retain no copies and the recipient agrees to the terms and conditions of this licence agreement.
You may not rent, lend, copy or modify the software, its data, or documentation. You may not reverse engineer, disassemble or otherwise modify the software, or modify its data or documentation, without the express written authorisation of DM Aviation Limited.
The software remains the property of DM Aviation Limited in which all intellectual property rights are vested.

Please read our separate Policy on Software Piracy.

These products are protected by copyright law and international copyright treaty. Software designs and model layouts are all copyright DM Aviation Limited.
You may not make copies of any model, or parts of a model, or allow others to make such copies, without the express written authorisation of DM Aviation Limited.
Images of unmade models or parts of models may not be recorded by any means, mechanical, electronic or otherwise, may not be stored on any form of storage device, and may not be published in any medium, including, but not limited to, books, magazines, e-mail messages and the internet, without the express written authorisation of DM Aviation Limited.

DM Aviation Limited warrants that software products will behave largely in the manner described in the accompanying documentation. The maximum liability which exists between DM Aviation Limited and the purchaser is limited to the purchase price of the software.
The software is licensed to the purchaser solely for the purpose of personal entertainment. The software, its data and accompanying documentation must not be used for operational purposes, nor for the training of operational personnel.

No liability is accepted for any loss, including consequential loss, arising from the construction or use of these models. The maximum liability which exists between DM Aviation Limited and the purchaser is limited to the purchase price of the model.
These models are not toys and are not suitable for children under 12 years of age.

Please see our separate Privacy Policy.

Airport Designs and London Control are products of DM Aviation Limited.

DM Aviation Limited is a company registered in England and Wales, company number 3517289.

Registered office: Southbrooke House, Home Farm Lane, Rimpton, YEOVIL, BA22 8AS, United Kingdom. (No callers please.)

E-mail: sales@airportdesigns.com, sales@londoncontrol.com or sales@dmaviation.com

These terms and conditions apply to all products supplied by DM Aviation Limited.
The Supplier may change these terms and conditions without notice to you in relation to future sales.


This document is maintained by DM Aviation Limited
All Material Copyright © DM Aviation Limited 2015