engineered card models to enhance your model aircraft collection

Airport Designs
card models can be used to build or enhance your model airport,
or to display individual aircraft models to their best advantage.
Models are currently available in 1:400 and 1:500 scales and are
suitable for use with all model aircraft at those scales.
The range includes
hangars, control towers, terminal buildings and a variety of accessories.
Each model has
been designed with great care to fit together neatly and to provide
a realistic backdrop to your model collection. Each one comes with
a detailed set of illustrated instructions and can be constructed
by anyone with some modelling skill. We have also given each model
a Skill Rating to indicate how difficult
it is to make.
For models that can have
open doors (like hangars) there is always internal detail, so the
model looks just as good on the inside as it does on the outside.
They have
been designed to be as rigid as possible while still representing
realistic buildings and accessories. Card models have been used
for many years by railway modellers with great success; Airport
Designs now extends this tradition into the world of airport modelling.
Tools required
are a fine, sharp modelling knife, a metal ruler, cutting mat and
suitable adhesive.
The models
are intended for adult modellers only and are not suitable for children
under 12 years of age.